
look who decided to show up!

sorry it's been awhile, fans. a busy few weeks coupled with only the handful of good news here and there means very little posting from me.

i hope to write the following blogs as soon as time allows:
-new computer!
-hanging out with dad!
-summertime opportunities!
-spring break laziness!
-cleaning out the cobwebs of my mind (you know you're excited about this one)!

and i'm sure more will follow. on the upswing, some good news:

it would seem that with the arrival of april brought with it spring. we had snow on Good Friday and again the following week, but this week we have experienced the unthinkable: a thunderstorm. it has been safe to leave buildings with a medium-weight jacket for the last couple days, and people have been breaking out shorts and flip-flops. not en masse, mind you: we come out slowly like the bunnies skittering across campus, but there they are nonetheless. i might even venture to say that the grass (gasp! wheaton has grass? the place isn't constantly covered in snow and eugh?) is starting to look a bit greeny and there are even sprouts of flowers coming up from the ground. it is almost a solid month behind my arkansan counterparts, but better late than never.

april also brings the last solid month of school for wheatonites. our finals week begins on may 5th and ends on the 8th. april can be just as hard as the winter months sometimes, with no days off (february and march had heaps of them, thanks to the administration's understanding that we will become miserable if we don't calm down a little in february, spring break, and easter) and lots of things due, plus the ever dwindling time to be with friends while the outside is hospitable.

this time with friends takes on a new weight with me as i realize i only have another month, then next semester to be with them. it figures that i would have to leave just after feeling like i'd settled in. isn't that just life?

life looks a little different for me than it did a few months ago. but i'll tell you about that later. happy spring, loves! i wish i was there or you here. or both of us in sydney with two green public transportation passes and nothing do to.

ps: i have a new literary pet peeve. take note.
loose and lose are different words. if you loose something, you un-tighten it. shoelaces, muscles, and change are loose. if you lose something, you've misplaced it or cannot re-attain it. friends, keys, and places in line can be lost.
but these are just loose definitions, and well, you might lose my point.

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