
update. and not daily.

hello! this is the second week of june, if you can believe that. i've been here three weeks! it feels like a day if it feels like a year. i am enjoying my classes well enough. i have enjoyed getting into some discussions on theory with my drawing teacher and our class continues to bond, slowly but surely. my photography class is even smaller than the drawing and meets twice is often, which means we are quickly becoming friends and complimenting each other's photos. it makes being in class until nighttime tolerable.

last week, dad was in town on his last visit to chicago. due to our schedules, we didn't get much face time at either of our mental peaks, but i was glad of some company. we stopped by the chicago blues festival and were able to listen to blues great johnny winter jam before dad left bright and early on friday morning.

i FINALLY got into wheaton last weekend for improv playtime, and it turned into an afternoon of hanging out with folks and dinner! it was SO GOOD to see friends, to chat, to share a meal, to giggle over online movie trailers and laugh at shared references. (we even shared the best kind of Christian school humor: theology jokes.)
i miss hanging out with those people. next weekend can't come soon enough!

on sunday, i saw a little more improv at iO, but i missed my friend's show. and walked home from the train in the rain. i sang the whole way home!

this week doesn't hold anything that exciting it would seem. i'm doing some volunteer work for a gaming graphics class at columbia (will report on that!), keeping up with homework and the like, hopefully going back into wheaton this weekend, and perhaps doing some vounteer work with some contacts i made at willow creek last week.

meh. not much to report. i have borrowed a few seasons of the office and am plowing through it, and have been listening to ender's game while working in the darkroom and on my sketchbook. i'm keeping myself entertained.

much love to you all. i am super envious of my family this weekend, as ALL my brothers and sisters will be gracing
northwest arkansas with visits.
miss you.

ps. i am now facebook friends with the president of my college.

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