
censorship, blogroll, 101/55 a-day

(and now, let the navel-gazing begin: blog style!)

there are things that do not end up posted here, mostly trying to put together a "public face" for readers i know and readers i do not. i consider that tactic "safe."

but look around. posting is infrequent, impersonal, and i end up worrying about whether or not the person i'm portraying through my own writing appears to "have it together" or not. i like to think that most of the time i do, but i'm human and there are days when i decidedly don't. it's not that i want to push myself to blog on these days because, more often than not, it turns into a pity party-- i'm just saying it couldn't hurt to be a little more open here.

also, you might have noticed the "blogroll" feature i just put up. these are some folks i know (as alyssa k. puts on her blog: "firends i like and strangers i stalk") who write things i like to read. i feel as though i should introduce them. considering i can't tell who visits (if i have readers, they don't comment, the chances of you as a reader already knowing or being an author of one of them are fairly high). all i'll say is have a little fun. it don't hurt to visit someone else's site, and you never know: you might make a friend.
also--several of these are committed to 55 or 101-word-a-day posts. this makes for some interesting, albeit esoteric, fiction. i hope to join in soon.


1 comment:

Alyssa K said...

Yes. Esoteric is the word. I'm not sure I could measure up to that level of esotericism.