
politics (i never intend to discuss them seriously here)

when classes begin on wednesday and are followed by a three-day weekend, it hardly feels like they've begun. but, such is the case. this week, our second "week" of classes, things are starting to roll at a respectable pace. it's keeping me on my toes.

in the past few years, i've followed somewhat in the steps of my father by expressing a minor interest in following politics. i say "minor" not as an expression of my father's sentiment (i'll let him do that for himself), but in my own. i say "minor" because i carry no banners, fly no flags, and basically only have a fraction of an idea of what's going on at any given point in time, but usually carry just enough information to get me into trouble.

and with that information, i will confidently say this.

enough with the "maverick" schtick. it's been said too much. get over it.
all the writers must have had a field day when this mccain descriptor first hit paper: "maverick! it's brilliant! it denotes a rebel, an independent thinker. and we NEED to distance ourselves from bush right now. have you SEEN his approval ratings? YIPES! and, it connotes youth and action! mccain is getting nailed for his age. let's show him smiling and call him a name that makes us think of mel gibson saving the day! and sarah palin can be jodie foster! cool!

i'll be the first to admit: it's a great word. kudos for thinking it up. however, it's the kind of word that doesn't bear repetition well. repeat the thing and it loses spark. let me assure you, it was overused before you got to it (ask google to define it, you'll get over a dozen other users of the word). but when everyone and their reporter's and pundit's moms are saying it, it has jumped the shark. SO. MOVE ON.

just for clarification: i'm not saying mccain isn't a maverick. i'm not saying he is. i'm simply saying the word has been over-applied and now does little but annoy me. i am saying palin is hot. i'm not saying that matters at all.

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