
opera house! opera house! opera house!

this morning we finished orientation around the school, and in the afternoon took off for a scavenger hunt. we ran around the city taking photos of various imoportant buildings for two hours.

then, we went on a tourboat around the harbor and took this video. i have not played it back, and i know the quality isn't very good (i don't even know if you can hear me or anything on it, for goodness sakes), but it's the closest thing i can do to remember a sense of that moment. it was cold but amazing.

after the cruise, we had mongolian barbecue together. the sun sets around 5-6 pm (did i say that already?), so for those of us coming off daylight savings time, 8-9 pm feels about 11-12. we're all exhausted by 7:30.

oh! also: this photo goes out to wyomians:

and this is me and my roommate, becca. she's as genuine and friendly as the day is long, and i think we'll be good friends. (in case you need telling, this isn't a flattering picture of either of us. we're on the boat: it's windy, it's cold, i have a double chin and she thinks she looks bald.)

also, as long as we're uploading pictures: i wuv mah brudder. i'm bummed i couldn't see lindsay as well, but circumstances are circumstances. much love to you both!


Linda Kay said...

Hey there - Dad and I just reviewed the last couple of entries. This is amazing - that we can see a video you took of Sydney Harbor and probably posted a few hours ago... boggles my pea brain. I'll check your posting every couple of days (when I'm in town, that is). Tell Becca she doesn't look bald. :) xxooMom

ashley elizabeth said...

hoooray meredith!!!! oh that seems so exciting i love all the pictures that you have taken and the video was great, i'm glad that i got to see you (sort of). and, i have to tell you, you have a beautiful smile. :)

3 said...

How's the weather there? I didn't expect cold, but I guess you are below the equator. I wish you'd sent just about 10 of those cool degrees up here.

The sun sets here between 6 and 7. And it comes up around 5:30 (I mean, I guess. Never seen it, but I was up at 6 today, and it seemed like late sunrise.). This blows my mind, since, as you described, by 8 it feels like 11 or something.

Nice pics. I wish I could upload pics, too, but I can't, due to security.

Also, I know the feeling about just being people and not worrying about being American. There is only one person with my team that sticks out like that, but it's more of an issue of being "true to himself" or something than anything. I just wish the cowboy hat could have stayed at home. Especially when we walked through the Hong Kong International Airport.

/longest comment ever