
buses, etc.

bus bus bus. aaaaaaaargh. can't live with them, can't live without them.

buses in sydney are kind of cruel. i mean, they're nice, but they're kind of cruel. have i already talked about this? sometimes a bus runs late, runs early, or doesn't run at all. and there's no warning for any of this--you just get to your stop fifteen minutes early and hope for the best.

the one bus route that goes from my house in leichhardt to school in drummoyne runs about every half hour in the early afternoon. i needed to get to a three o'clock class. i head out to the bus stop around 2:25 (fair enough, i should have been out earlier). i have to cross a street to get to the stop. i get to the crosswalk and see every commuter's worst nightmare: the bus pulls in while traffic is not in my favor.
i see it happen in slow motion. i start hopping around, trying to see if i can cheat through the oncoming traffic. trying to make eye contact with the driver that says wait, wait, wait, please, i need your bus, can't you see this crosswalk is in my way, please, wait. but he pulls away from the curb. he's still sitting at the stoplight, but he's away. there's no getting anywhere at that point. the lights change and i hustle across the street, and finally make eye contact with the driver and he just looks at me as if to say, welp, sorry about that, but i can't stop now. so i have to wait for another twenty-five minutes for the next bus to come and am late for my class. buses, buses, buses.

this week in our ASC classes, we've been talking about church and politics. i'm kind of in the middle of trying to figure out some of that business--how do we make Christianity work on a public level?--and was kind of excited about discussion. and, well, no harm no foul to anyone or anything, but it was a little disappointing. i suppose i had high expectations for someone to clear it all up and go, "well, this is how i sort it all out. it seems to make sense to me," and then i'd know how to base all that, what to aim for. not so much.

ahh. don't misunderstand me. i'm not questioning my faith. i'm asking how that faith, given the command to the rich young ruler (sell your stuff. give it to the poor. love them. follow me.), make sense on a larger scale, like within a government system. for some reason this topic has become very relevant to me recently as i start to choose the kind of life i will set up for myself as i get older. it's a long, complicated spiel that i'll spare you the boredom of reading. i guess all there is to say is that we've read and talked a little bit about it, and i've come to no conclusions yet, and that kinda bugs me.


BladeRunner said...

A Haiku for the Buses in Australia:

Swift movement propels
With eye contact connection
Late and left behind

Unknown said...

That just goes to show you that you should always plan, er...
...uh, should never be...
...um, busses are the devil?